Using colour in your bedroom

A bedroom should be a relaxing haven where any worries of the day can drift away, just as you drift away into a comfortable night’s sleep.

But getting the balance just right can be a challenge – particularly when it comes to your choice of colour.

A neutral colour scheme might seem like the best way to avoid distracting yourself from getting off to sleep easily, but it can leave the room feeling cold and unloved.

Throw in even just a little colour, and you can transform the space so that going to bed feels less like walking into a hospital room, and more like the warm hug you need at the start of a good night’s sleep.

Natural colours

One of the best ways to use colour in a bedroom is to focus on very natural colours – warm and rich browns and beiges are only a step away from a completely neutral palette, but they don’t feel as stark and cold as a plain white room.

Not everybody likes beige, and some people may find it boring, but look through the full spectrum of browns and even pale oranges, and you can create an accented colour scheme that isn’t too risky.

Furniture plays a part too, and leather armchairs and sofas add a further sense of relaxation, in colours that ideally suit this approach to decorating your bedroom.

Bright and light

If it’s the brightness of an all-white colour scheme that appeals to you, consider vivid colours; they may be more of a risk, but they can work for some people.

A feature wall is a fairly conservative way to incorporate a block of vivid colour, without dominating the room as a whole.

Coloured accessories like candles, artwork and cushions or bed throws can bring the colour throughout the space, and can easily be set aside or removed completely if it all gets to be a bit too much for your tastes.

Prints and patterns

Finally, there’s no reason why you should stick solely to block colours, and patterns can bring a feeling of life into a room that is often left empty for much of the day.

Opt for patterned wallpaper, or stencil on to a painted wall, and you can create something that reflects your own personality well.

Just remember, whatever colour scheme you choose, you’re going to need to be able to fall asleep in this room, so fit blackout blinds if you need to – even the brightest paint job looks black if there’s no ambient light in the room, so there’s no reason why it should prove to be an unavoidable distraction while falling asleep.

If you’d like any information on our range of sofas, chairs and stools call us on 0161 737 1600 or click here!

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